Step 1: Choose a Name for Your LLC 

When registering your LLC, you’ll need to choose a unique name that is not already in use by another business. The name must also include one of the following words or abbreviations: “Limited Liability Company” or “LLC.” Additionally, certain words like “bank” and “attorney” may need additional documentation if used in your LLC’s name. 

You can check whether or not your desired LLC name is available using the Nevada Secretary of State’s website. Once you have settled on an available name, make sure to reserve it with Nevada’s Secretary of State before moving onto the next step. 

Step 2: File Articles of Organization with Nevada 

Once you have chosen an appropriate LLC name and reserved it with the state, it is time to file Articles of Organization with Nevada’s Secretary of State. This document outlines important information about your business such as its name, address, and purpose for formation. You will also need to provide information about who will manage and own the company—this could be yourself or another person or entity—as well as how much capital stock has been authorized by each member (if any). It is important that all information included in this document is accurate because it will serve as your legal record of formation when filing taxes or making other financial decisions regarding your company.  

The cost for filing Articles of Organization varies depending on how many pages are included in the document; however, most filings typically cost around $125-$200 USD per page. Additionally, some states may require additional fees if filing online instead of via mail or fax machine. 

Step 3: Create an Operating Agreement 

An operating agreement outlines how the business will be managed and how profits and losses will be distributed among members. This document should also address important issues such as voting rights and procedures for resolving disputes between members. While this document isn’t required in order to register an LLC with Nevada’s Secretary of State, creating one early on helps ensure that all members are on the same page regarding their roles within the company and can help avoid potential conflicts down the road. Moreover, having an operating agreement on file can help protect against personal liability if any legal issues do arise later on down the line.  

Step 4: Obtain Necessary Licenses & Permits

Depending on which type of business you plan to run, there may be additional licensing requirements necessary for operating within certain industries or locations in Nevada (e.g., food service establishments). Make sure that all necessary licenses have been obtained before beginning operations—otherwise, penalties may incur if caught without one!   

Step 5: Register For Taxes & Open a Business Bank Account   

After completing steps 1-4 above, all that remains is registering for taxes and opening a business bank account! When registering for taxes with Nevada’s Department of Revenue (DOR), make sure to select which type(s) apply to your specific type of business (e.g., sales tax) so that these funds can then be deposited into a separate bank account dedicated solely towards paying taxes owed at year end (or whenever else they become due). Opening up a separate bank account helps keep track of expenses related directly towards running your new business versus those from other sources (e.g., personal accounts).